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HSD Metrics is inviting select clients and partners to Client Connect Thursday, October 15th at 2 pm EST. The purpose of the session is to explore the evolution and current thinking around employee engagement and its impact. Experts and partners will share data-driven insights on employee engagement that have not yet been explored.
In partnership with the University of Louisville, HSD Metrics recently conducted a comprehensive study of how employee engagement is measured and reported. World-renowned expert Dr. Brad Shuck will share the results of the work and how it applies to human resource teams, including some ground-breaking new insights.
The 90-minute session will include a keynote presentation with discussion followed by live breakout sessions, which will result in actionable ideas that will impact your workforce. Depending on the participants, we will try to group clients by size, industry group, etc. to allow for peer-to-peer sharing.
Thank you for your consideration. We hope this learning session with thought leaders from academia and peers from other companies will yield vibrant and relevant discussions about best practices for employee engagement.
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Meeting Date: | Thursday, Oct 15 |
Time: | 2PM Local Time (EST) |
Location: | Zoom – details forthcoming |
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