SurveyRight® Employee Engagement Surveys
Arm Yourself with Honest, Detailed Feedback
HSD Metrics SurveyRight® outsourced employee engagement surveys are a fast and effective way to gain the insights you need to create engagement-driving plans for your organization.
We guide you through the process of creating your survey and defining the collection process that works best for your employees. After surveys are completed, results are available in real-time, including quantitative data, breakouts for your desired demographic groups, improvement priorities, and commentary sorted by themes. You will also have access to robust external benchmarks, internal and historical comparisons.
Let HSD Metrics do the heavy lifting!
With over 3 million employees surveyed from more than 300 organizations over the past 30 years, there’s a reason why today’s top global brands choose us. Understanding what makes employees productive, engaged and happy is important.
Data-Driven Decision Making
Our interface gives you the ability to view individual reports and monitor patterns and trends without extensive training and installation.
The ability to see trends allows you to quickly recognize themes and potential areas of concern so you can immediately begin working to elicit change.
Gain access to over 20+ years of turnover data from a wide variety of industries which allows you to compare your results against industry norms.
With a variety of ways for your employees to complete their survey, we’ll help you find the best option.
Past Respondent Commentary Examples
"Management above supervisor can be very demeaning. There are managers that don't speak to you. Some are not approachable and will appear bothered if you approach them. They reprimand you for talking but they will carry on 15-20 minute conversations with each other. You can hear managers using profanities, discussing other employees and problems or just flat out talking about non work related issues on daily basis."
"Unfortunately I think that you may have taken someone who was a good subordinate and moved them into a leadership role. He has built layers between him and the staff to go through. His interpretation of company policy is skewed to what should NOT be expected. He has a small system running less than 1000 calls annually, but has two supervisors, a schedule person, a uniform person, etc. There are many things missing from the service that are a state rule - he doesn't understand that EMR is a state requirement."
"I believe that I was a victim of an aggressive, ambitious manager who saw me as a threat to her pursuit of power. I believe that she instigated my forced "retirement", which is the "messaging" that is being given to patients and coworkers alike. I am certain that a competent attorney would surely see much of the motivation to my job elimination as the result of discriminatory ageism (I am nearly 65)."
"12-14 hour days because there was no support for staffing, and the hospital keeps taking patients through the ED no matter how it impacts other departments. Constantly holding patients under anaesthesia in the OR because of the lack of beds on the floor and inability to move patients out of PACU, or even move our recovering patients to the overflow area in MY department (recovery). The space is monopolized by the CCO to house ER patients waiting for beds on the floor, upwards to 3 days. VERY POOR patient care and definitely impacts patient satisfaction, which the CEO demands we meet. It's a no-win situation."
Employee Engagement Research Study
We recently partnered with researchers at the University of Louisville to uncover what the future of employee engagement would look like, including how to best measure the experience of engagement.
Arm Yourself With Honest, Detailed Feedback
SurveyRight employee engagement surveys are a fast and effective way to make worthwhile changes within your organization. SurveyRight not only enables you to collect employee feedback, but also provides your organization with advanced analytics to help you recognize themes, create action plans and, most importantly, understand what all of the data means for your organization via our completely customizable Reporting Dashboard.
Our customized feedback approach helps you to understand the employee survey data and how to implement improvements using HSD Metrics’ unique survey design which incorporates action priorities. After surveys are completed, results are available instantly, providing companies with quantitative data, improvement priorities, and verbatim comments.
We provide you with an executive summary, data sets for your desired demographic groups, improvement priorities, and commentary sorted by themes. Based on the findings of the employee engagement survey – you will have access to robust external benchmarks, internal and historical comparisons as well as employee comments and consultative feedback support materials.
Armed with these materials, organizations can make changes to their processes and goals based on the recommendations and trends presented in the data.
Let’s Chat.
Complete the form to get in touch with one of our experts. We’ll show you how you can use our employee engagement surveys to continuously sharpen and empower your employees.