Transportation & Logistics

Change Retention from a Headache to a Point of Pride

exit interviews for transportationIf you’re a human resources professional in the transportation or logistics industry, you know that recruitment and retention are harder than ever. Retirement of long-time Baby Boomer employees, compensation competition and the changing public perception of transportation jobs are just a few of the issues that make retention a major cost center for the modern transportation business.

And yet, few transportation companies have much insight – or any – into the real reasons why employees leave. Even when companies attempt to collect this information, their abilities to design and implement exit interviews may not be sufficient to reliably get to the heart of leading turnover causes.

HSD Metrics is the only human resources partner with the deep experience in interview design, technology and statistical analysis to allow you to completely and comfortably outsource your exit interviews. Examples of industry clients we’ve had the pleasure of helping include:

  • Sentinel Transportation, a logistics provider for DuPont and Philips 66
  • TranSystems, infrastructure and engineering experts for transportation authorities
  • Beard Land Improvement and M&ET, a regional warehousing and railroad company
  • Kenco, a large, independent third-party logistics provider
  • The Sacramento Airport, a medium hub airport

No matter how large your scale or far your reach, we can work with you to implement ExitRight® exit interviews that become essential in refining your human resources practices.

Data Insights You Need to Retain More Quality Employees
The ExitRightNow cloud-based reporting portal instantly updates with new interview data as it becomes available, giving you a finger on the pulse of your business’s turnover 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This includes:

  • Instant notifications when “red flag” subject matter is submitted
  • Additional robust text utilities to summarize employee reasons for leaving
  • Complete, filterable demographic data
  • Drilldowns for data and commentary to the individual level
  • Benchmarking against external norms
  • Easy data exports to Excel and PDF files

Deep, validly collected and readily accessible data give you all the ammunition you need to combat the key issues facing transportation companies – and poise yours for the future. Powerful, intuitive and updated instantly – with ExitRight, it can’t get any simpler.

Consultation for Your Needs in Transportation and Logistics
HSD Metrics is more than just a technology vendor – we’re a partner with your long-term interests at heart. We keep our clients abreast of benchmarks and trends we’re following in transportation, logistics and across all the industries we serve.

Still considering? See how much employee turnover is costing your business by using our free Cost Of Turnover calculator.

Let’s Chat.

Complete the form to get in touch with one of our experts. We’ll show you how you can use our tool to continuously sharpen and empower your employees.