Outsourced Exit Interviews, Stay Surveys, Leadership Assessments and so much more.

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Employees Need a Voice? No Budget?

We’ll Help You Anyway.

With unemployment expected to reach levels not seen since the Great Depression, it’s hard to predict what will follow, but we do know three things based on our 29 years of experience:

  1. If your company is forced to furlough employees, those remaining will have to be more engaged, flexible, and productive than ever.
  2. Among your furloughed will be talented, experienced team members you will want to recruit back.
  3. Hiring will become competitive once again, so protecting your hard-earned status as an “employer of choice” will be vital.

We also know that many budgets are frozen and initiatives are on hold, so we’re making our powerful survey tools available to you at no charge*.

HSD Metrics is a global leader in HR data analytics. Our clients include top brands in healthcare, finance, hospitality, education, manufacturing, and other sectors vital to our economy.

Our solutions make it fast and easy to collect and analyze employee insights, giving your people the voice they desperately need as they struggle to process their changing situation, giving your C-suite actionable data quickly, and giving your HR team critical insights you will need to rebuild your workforce.

If you need help, we can get you up and running right away. This is our way of doing our part in this crisis.

*Offer only applies to online solutions.

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ExitRight® Employee Exit Interviews

Customized Exit Interview Surveys.