HR Outsourcing & Data Analytics for Manufacturing

It’s time to make HR easier for manufacturers.

For over 20 years, we’ve helped manufacturers measure the health of their organizations and achieve higher performance and engagement. With the depth of our manufacturing industry experience, we can help your human resources department monitor morale, find turnover causes and unearth workforce problems that reduce productivity and efficiency.

Some of our first clients were manufacturers, and today we continue to service some of the industry’s largest.

With decades of manufacturing industry experience, we understand the goals of manufacturing organizations. We work with you to bring comprehensive data and knowledge that answer your company’s biggest HR questions.

We can help you streamline your processes, understand why employees leave and do more to retain your best talent.

By outsourcing exit interviews and augmenting your internal surveying with HSD Metrics, your company has access to expert-designed, anonymous and secure surveys that yield full and candid answers. Additionally, our ExitRight® outsourcing process helps monitor sensitive subject matter, gather actionable, benchmarked data and identify how your managers can better serve their team.

In the manufacturing industry, safety is paramount. That’s one reason that exit interviews are critical; they give employees a final platform to disclose any information related to on-site safety and culture issues.

Gain access to well-researched, secure, customized tools and technology in one place, with ease.

Our surveys and online portal give you:

  • Multiple methods for survey completion: phone, web or mail.
  • Expert-designed surveys that encourage complete and unfettered answers.
  • Constant access to the online portal.
  • Instant notifications for red flag words and topics.
  • Frequent word clouds to identify recurring issues and concerns.
  • Formatted for easy interpretation and data filtering.

In addition to our exit interview services, HSD Metrics provides support with on-boarding procedures and helps your HR department save time by incorporating automated on-boarding, surveying and interviewing processes.

How many employees leave your company each year?

We specialize in making that number smaller. At HSD, your needs are our priorities. We think of ourselves as your partners; we work together to make processes simpler, lower your turnover and improve your retention rate. Get started today with no extensive training session, long-term contracts or software purchases.

Call 877-439-9315 or contact HSD Metrics online today.

Let’s Chat.

Complete the form to get in touch with one of our experts. We’ll show you how you can use our tool to continuously sharpen and empower your employees.