Exit Interviews in the Education Profession

Creating an environment where teacher stability and employee productivity is valued is critical to the success of your organization.

Exit Interview for Education Industry

With the goal of student success driving educational decisions, discovering reasons why exemplary teachers and staff leave along with obtaining a clear picture of the obstacles impeding the school’s mission are essential.

HSD Metrics provides school systems with data to define instructional roadblocks and to improve staff retention rates through information gathered in exit interviews. Interviewers obtain feedback from former employees about specific administrative practices and their impact on instructional delivery, about teacher effectiveness, and about reasons why employees are attracted to other educational systems.

Our expert team serves inner city, suburban, and rural schools; schools in crisis; and charter schools. HSD Metrics excels at creating survey questions which uncover actionable feedback from employees’ exit interviews to clarify resignation issues.


ExitRight’s interview process provides organizations with information to improve employee retention through surveys conducted by our experienced interview staff. Your former education employees can feel more comfortable explaining specific reasons that caused them to leave for another educational system or caused them to leave the profession entirely. Using anonymous exit interviews yields detailed and often unexpressed employee rationale, indicating correctable solutions.

Especially in the education profession, with employees dedicated to student achievement, employees’ opinions and suggestions can directly lead to instructional gains and increased employee satisfaction. Our interviews offer continual analysis of the instructional climate, therefore revealing insight into how best to improve employee retention and effectiveness. ExitRight collects and interprets actionable data that enables instructional personnel and administrators to work together to nurture an optimal school environment, where learning goals are achieved and quality employees remain.

Conducting in-house exit surveys can raise concerns about confidentiality, time limitations, inconsistent delivery methods, and data too cumbersome to analyze. HSD Metrics’ experienced interviewers provide promised anonymity and facilitate honest, insightful, and actionable responses. Our statistically valid interview process consistently captures respondents’ turnover causes and school improvement suggestions through our robust reporting portal. Expert interview staff conducts timely interviews with instant and multiple reporting methods for your immediate access. Statistically normed data collection and reporting are presented to you in a variety of modalities, all within a specified time frame.

The most common indicators for turnover in the education profession are workload, school policies, administration, and lack of support for discipline and curriculum. ExitRight creates questions that reveal underlying contributing factors to these turnover causes, as well as others that lead to staff resignations. ExitRight offers interviews via web, telephone, or mail; all of which are available 24/7 with fully exportable data. Additionally, ExitRight will notify you when sensitive subjects, such as unethical or unsafe practices, appear in the exit survey.

Equally valuable, the Reporting Portal allows administrators to access former staff and faculty’s anonymous input. The portal allows designated users to sift through demographics, analyze turnover causes over time, and compare against external norms while providing commentary on turnover causes. Users can generate time-specific, easy to read reports and graphs that can be downloaded. Additionally, our Reporting Portal analyzes participants’ comments and then reports them in categories, such as red-flagged words or frequently used words.

No long-term contracts, software purchases, or extensive training sessions are required with HSD Metrics. Begin now to reveal immediate actionable feedback from exit interviews and gain insight on ways to improve your employee retention rate. Constant support and consultation are available whenever you need it. If your organization is ready to understand why employees leave your system, call 877-439-9315, or contact us today.

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