Outsourced Exit Interviews, Stay Surveys, Leadership Assessments and so much more.

Helping A Global Manufacturing Firm Reduce Employee Turnover Through Employee Surveys

A woman is employed by a global manufacturing firm working on a beer keg in a brewery.

The Opportunity

One of the world’s leading manufacturers of residential and commercial water heaters and boilers were in the process of expanding their global presence via the Eastern Hemisphere and wanted to focus on improving employee communication, bolstering diversity efforts, and renewing lean transformation initiatives.

However, they were facing a significant uptick in employee turnover, which was affecting the health and efficacy of their workforce.

The Strategy

Due to the size of the organization, HSD Metrics’ strategy was to gather as much data from each business unit in the organization as possible. Utilizing existing demographic codes, HSD built custom business unit demographics into the survey in order to drill down into employee concerns at a granular level.

The Results

With the business unit demographics built into the reporting portal, the organization was able to take the results of the survey and break them down by specific business units in order to complete their action planning at the location level.

Using the Enterprise Results feature, corporate was able to find common issues among locations and institute enterprise-wide solutions.

The aggregation of the data enabled the HR team to conduct a more detailed contextual analysis, resulting in leadership changes and increased sales for two major divisions of the organization.

Take The Next Step

Complete the form to get in touch with one of our experts. We’ll show you how you can use our exit survey tools to continuously sharpen and empower your insights.

ExitRight® Employee Exit Interviews

Customized Exit Interview Surveys.