ExitRight® Employee Exit Interviews
The #1 Employee Exit Interview
ExitRight employee exit interviews allow you to collect, view, and understand your employee exit data more efficiently so you can improve retention and reduce turnover.
With over 3 million employees surveyed from more than 300 organizations over the past 30 years, there’s a reason why today’s top global brands choose us. Understanding what makes employees productive, engaged and happy is important.
Exit survey data, simplified.
Our interface allows you to monitor patterns and trends without extensive training and installation for quick opportunity identification.
Access 29 years of turnover data from a wide variety of industries allowing you to compare your results against industry norms.
Leverage our multiple capture methods to increase response rates and decrease the amount of time it takes to receive the data.
Past respondent commentary examples
Minimize workload, maximize efficiency.
Drastically Increase Completion Rates
Save Time & Administration Burden
Simple Survey Monitoring & Results
Customized To Fit Your Business Needs
Question items and findings are compiled to meet your specific demographic and organizational reporting needs.
Let’s Chat.
Complete the form to get in touch with one of our experts. We’ll show you how you can use our exit survey tools to continuously sharpen and empower your insights.
The Benefits of ExitRight
The ExitRight employee exit interview process helps improve your employee turnover challenges much faster.
Exit interviews from over 1 million exiting employees make up our industry norms allowing you to have a benchmark comparison when analyzing your data.
Red Flag Alerts
Unethical and illegal activity alerts right to your inbox, as soon as they’re reported.
Comprehensive In Scope
The interviews allow you to capture extensive quantitative data and verbatim commentary. We give you the raw data. No questions asked.
Easy Start
No expensive licensing, training, or long-term contracts to sign.
Web, Paper/Mail & Phone
Flexible response mechanisms generate higher response rates that result in greater data integrity.
Exceptional Value
Pricing is based upon exit interview volume and method of notifications and completions. For an average size client with 800 exits a year, the cost of an annual subscription is no more than the replacement cost of two employees.
ExitRight Employee Exit Interview FAQs
How do you suggest we use the data once you have it?
Over 80% of our clients report that if they are reviewing and distributing the data 1x per month that it creates the necessary action for change that results in lower turnover. We also provide you with our complimentary Action Planning Guide for proven actions you can take in order to help solve your retention problems.
Many of our clients discover that they lose a significant amount of employees within their first 30-90 days of employment. In order to create change, our clients use their ExitRight data and then pair that by using our new hire survey – StartOffRight – to measure the effectiveness of those changes to prevent possible recurring employee churn.
In order to better understand whether or not the implementations you’re putting in place are helping to solve your retention problems, we suggest you sync ExitRight with our new hire solution – StartOffRight for a more complete understanding of your employee engagement health.
What types of companies do you work with?
What are your methods of gathering exit interview information?
We offer respondents the ability to complete their interviews online or from any mobile device, which is our most efficient and cost-effective method. We also offer options for respondents to complete the interview by phone with a live interviewer or by paper for employees lacking email addresses.
Describe your capabilities for extending interviews in languages other than English and/or outside of the US
What is your average response rate for participation in interviews?
Interview Design
How is your employee exit interview typically designed?
Harnessing our nearly 30 years of experience and the latest research methods from the University of Louisville we have developed the measures and the survey content/questions that maximize the amount of data gathered in the most efficient way possible.
How many questions are typically asked during the interview?
Do you have a database of standard questions?
We do offer customization of the questions, however, for best results and to make sure the industry benchmarks remain relevant, we recommend as little deviation from those standard questions as possible.
Are we able to draft our own list of questions or add to the questions your company provides?
As part of the setup, we will provide you with our survey that has been developed during our more than 30 years of learning alongside industry-leading thinkers in regards to retention and employee engagement.
We also know that you know your people may have other data sets that you need to match the exit data to so we allow for plenty of customization. The more customized your questions are then the less relevant the benchmark data could become, but we help you figure all of that out before implementation.
Interview and Survey Process
Is the interview/survey conducted while the employee is still employed? If not, once the employee has left, how long until the interview/survey is initiated/sent?
Once the exiting employee’s data file has been uploaded to our system, we generate a unique Participant ID# for each exiting employee. Once the ID has been set up in our system, we immediately begin sending email notifications to the exiting employee’s work and personal email addresses, if provided (upon the last day of employment, notifications are no longer sent to their work email addresses).
Email notifications will continue to be sent to the respondent’s personal email address every 3 days for 6 weeks, or until the interview has been completed.
Describe how and when the employee is notified of the interview/survey?
If the respondent’s contact information and demographics are manually entered into the portal by an administrator of the account, then the participant IDs and email notifications will be sent immediately to employees.
For employees whose information is sent to us in a term list data file, it usually takes up to 48 hours to generate a unique Participant ID. Once the IDs have been set up in our system, we begin sending email notifications to both work and personal email addresses, if that contact information is available.
What role does the manager have in the process to inform and notify the employee of the exit interview process?
Does the employer need to obtain a release from the employee to allow information to be shared?
What is the process for escalating critical information as it is discovered during the interview process?
For instance, if a respondent’s answer states that they witnessed any illegal/unethical behavior, you will be sent an email instantly so that you can take the necessary next steps as quickly as possible.
We give respondents the option to provide their name if they’d like to be contacted by HR, or we can make it mandatory to provide their name when issues are shared depending on the account preferences.
What data or information is required from our company and at what frequency?
We are typically sent a list of names to survey once or twice a month, depending on your organization’s rate of turnover.
Results / Data
How are the results of the exit interview summarized?
You have the ability to download all survey results in order to perform your own analysis and integrate the data into other systems.
We can also provide you with customized reports as well that can be saved and populated on your site.
Do you offer comparative benchmarking information with other similar companies or companies in your client base?
- Healthcare
- Banking/Financial
- Industrial/Manufacturing/Distribution
- Professional Services (recruiting, technology, software, security, research, biotech & pharmaceuticals, broadcasting/publishing, legal services, and management services)
- Real Estate/Property Management/Construction
- Retail/Hospitality
- Education
- Utilities/Energy
- Non Profit
Why Outsource
The ExitRight Process
Let HSD Metrics do the heavy lifting!
When you choose ExitRight for your exit interviews, you’re letting us do the work. Rather than expecting your already busy HR department to track down previous employees to request an exit interview, we contact them directly. You simply provide their contact information, while we handle interviewing and data collection.