Outsourced Exit Interviews, Stay Surveys, Leadership Assessments and so much more.


Reference Right

Automated employee reference checking with ReferenceRight helps your organization obtain references that provide a full view of a potential candidate. In addition to being rated across a range of work-related competencies, the candidate’s references also provide specific answers to open ended questions. These questions are designed to probe the supervisor or peer about very specific behaviors, strengths, areas for improvement and much more.


Reference Right Strategies

A white icon with a magnifying glass and graphs.

Red Flag Alerts

Exit interviews from over 1 million exiting employees make up our industry norms allowing you to have a benchmark comparison when analyzing your data.

A bell icon on a transparent background.


Real-time notifications of unethical and illegal activity, sent directly to your inbox. Protect your organization and maintain a strong ethical culture.

A white icon with a check mark on it.

Comprehensive In Scope

The interviews allow you to capture extensive quantitative data and verbatim commentary. We give you the raw data. No questions asked.
A light bulb icon on a transparent background.

Easy Start

No expensive licensing, training, or long-term contracts to sign.

A hand is pointing to the a, b, c, d,

Web, Paper/Mail & Phone

Maximize survey response rates and data integrity through flexible response mechanisms. Participation rates average 65-70% when two or more methods of completion are used.
An image of a diamond on a tranparent background.

Exceptional Value

Pricing is customized based on exit interview volume and delivery method. For a typical 800-exit organization, the annual cost is often less than replacing two employees.

Take The Next Step

Complete the form to get in touch with one of our experts. We’ll show you how you can leverage our employee listening tools and strategies to continuously gather insights that change outcomes for the better.

ExitRight® Employee Exit Interviews

Customized Exit Interview Surveys.