Outsourced Exit Interviews, Stay Surveys, Leadership Assessments and so much more.

Former Employees Provide Insight on Drugs in the Workplace

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Actual Comments of Why Employees Leave
“There was one incident that happened and the plant manager just blew it right under the rug. One fellow found a pipe and a bag of marijuana in his locker and I knew he didn’t put it there and it wasn’t his. When he gave it to the night supervisor, nothing was done about it. The night supervisor threw it in the garbage can. The guy who found it in his locker was told not to say anything about this and if he did he would get a three-day suspension.”

The Solution
ExitRight® provides instant notification to the primary client when a comment surfaces in response to an unethical, illegal, or unsafe turnover cause so that the matter may be promptly investigated. While employee engagement surveys and anonymous tip lines have the ability to surface similar concerns, current employees generally have greater concerns about anonymity than those who are no longer working for the company. With instant access to completed interviews, you are provided with a steady stream of commentary that allows you to maintain an on-going pulsing of the work climate from voluntary terminations and retirees. In addition, to learning turnover causes, you acquire knowledge that may be shared with executives and top management to improve the organization’s operating effectiveness. Turnover causes are one benefit of exit interviews but improving the health of the organization is another important advantage.

(This article is provided by comments we have received through exit interviews conducted in the workplace. Although client company names and interviewee names are kept confidential, we hope you find our tidbits helpful in reducing employee turnover within your organization.)

HSD Metrics offers new hire, stay, and exit interview platforms that can help your business improve employee engagement, as well as employee experience and retention. If you are interested in learning more, contact us today.

ExitRight® Employee Exit Interviews

Customized Exit Interview Surveys.