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New Leader Assimilation Questions and Process to Prevent or Fix Management Issues

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A change in manager can easily derail existing employees as they try to understand how to work successfully with their new manager. As we see in the below example, this could potentially lead to employee turnover.

“We got a brand new manager who had no experience in this role. She wasn’t trained well. She didn’t welcome feedback from employees. It made for a very stressful work environment.”

Actual Comment from an Employee Who Left Their Company

The saying: “People don’t quit their job, they quit their boss” is painfully accurate.

Investing in a Leadership Assessment and New Manager Assimilation process can easily condense the time it takes for managers and employees to get to know each other from months to just a few intense hours. New Manager Assimilations work most effectively when facilitated by someone with excellent facilitation and coaching skills. Here is an outline of a new leader assimilation process that could be put in place to help with new manager issues in the workplace.

1. Preparation

The facilitator gains the new manager’s support of the process. The facilitator and new manager review questions that will be asked of the team. Normally, four to six questions are reviewed with the team. Sample new leader assimilation questions include:

  • What do we know about the new manager?
  • What don’t we know but would like to know about the new manager?
  • What concerns do we have about this person becoming the new manager?
  • What are our expectations of the new manager?
  • What does the manager need to know about us?
  • What are the major problems or challenges the new manager and team will face in the first year?
  • What things are going well in the department?

2. New Leader Assimilation Session with the Team

The new manager and facilitator kick off the meeting. The manager welcomes everyone, states commitment for the process, encourages candid responses, and thanks the team for participating. After this, the manager leaves. The facilitator reviews the steps of the process, establishes ground rules, and gains agreement with the team that the meeting will be anonymous. The facilitator then leads the team through the questions and collects information and responses.

3. Feedback with Manager

The facilitator meets separately with the manager to review the information gathered in the session. The manager formulates quality responses to the information presented.

4. Group Meeting

The facilitator, manager, and team meet, and the manager presents responses to the information provided by going through each of the questions, one by one, and offering comments and reactions. The team is welcome to ask for clarification or provide additional information not previously expressed.

5. Follow-up Meetings

There can be an optional follow-up meeting six months after the initial meetings where the team is asked additional questions such as:

  • What is the manager doing that we would like to be continued?
  • What should the manager stop doing?
  • What should the manager start doing?

Having a systematic process that enables the new manager and team to share information, exchange ideas, dispel rumors, and candidly discuss management issues in the workplace can help build relationships and ease the process for everyone as a team adjusts to a new manager.

How do you know if your company can benefit from implementing a new leader assimilation process like this one? Excess employee turnover is one sign, but the reasons for turnover can be many. To really understand what’s happening inside your organization, you need to tap into the insider knowledge that departing employees are taking with them. HSD Metrics helps you do that efficiently, effectively and professionally with the ExitRight exit interview service. We also offer the Leadership Assessments mentioned and linked above. Gain insight into why your employees are leaving and help prevent the costs of searching for and training new workers.

If you are interested in learning more, schedule a free live demo with one of our team members today.

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