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Keep Employees Up-To-Date on New Technology

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“Yes, training lacked with new technology. Those of us who did not grow up with the new technology were not given a reasonable amount of time to learn. I wish the department was able to have us go to certification training workshops so we could do better at our job. Currently, myself and my ex-coworkers would have to learn the technology on our own.” – Actual comments from an employee exiting a company

Utilizing new technology propels businesses forward, and it is no small investment, costing anywhere from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. While it is always a good idea to improve your processes, all of that money can go to waste if employees are left without proper training on exactly how to use it. Investing in new technology also requires an investment in your workforce.

Preparing Employees for Change

First and foremost, any change needs to start with employee preparation. Daily processes quickly become a habit, and if they are expected to be broken in favor of something new, fair warning for those affected will help them begin to think of new ways of working. Anyone who will be working with new technology should be communicated with clearly regarding:

  • What the change will be
  • How they will be impacted or helped by the change
  • When the change will or is expected to occur
  • How training will be implemented

Keeping employees informed about any upcoming changes will help lower anxiety and show that they are valued and respected members of the team.

Implementing Change with Training

New technologies are often complicated and may require extensive training. The best course of action is a well-designed training plan that includes both initial training and continued support, all of which might have prevented the above-quoted employee’s departure. Be sure to also include reasonable accommodations for those who learn differently or need additional training. There are a few ways you can help make the process simpler for employees – and ensure the training is done:

  • Make Training a Job Requirement: In some positions, changes or new technologies are ignored by employees that have been there for an extended period of time in favor of “the old way.” Provide tangible rewards for completing training and using new technology, such as the opportunity for promotion or pay increase.
  • Break Up the Training: Trying to cover a new process or system can be overwhelming, especially when it’s done in one long training session. Create break-out sessions to highlight specific aspects of the technology and roll it out in waves. Some employees may pick it up quickly, while others may need more time, so just be sure and be patient.
  • Provide Ongoing Training & Mentoring: It should go without saying that any new hire should receive comprehensive training when they start. For current employees, mentoring should always be available if they are struggling with a task. This will also help encourage collaboration.

Working with employees to bring in any new technology gradually as opposed to throwing them in all at once helps them become more confident in the process and more likely to adapt easier to change, increasing overall employee retention.

Benefits of Proper Training on New Technology

Fortunately, new analytics capabilities allow employers to track feedback from employees in real-time, so employers can avoid turnover costs. If you aren’t quite sure how your current training process is working, it is always helpful to get your employees’ perspective. HSD Metrics can help you get these insights with current employees by using our StayRight Employee Engagement Survey to provide you with valuable feedback to build high-performance, high-retention work cultures. The solution can either track employee feedback on an ongoing basis or track specific technology initiatives, including those triggered by an employee engagement survey.

In the event an employee decides to leave, the ExitRight® Employee Exit Interview can also provide you with valuable insights and feedback, allowing you to make positive changes for those still at your business.

For more information on our various survey solutions, or to schedule a demo of our products, contact us today.

ExitRight® Employee Exit Interviews

Customized Exit Interview Surveys.