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Do Exiting Employees Have Other Employment Before They Quit Their Job?

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It is a recognized fact that in a down economy, many employees remain with a job they may not be completely satisfied with to maintain their financial security. Some believe a recession improvement is followed by more people quitting their jobs, which shows a willingness to take more risks in hopes to find better opportunities elsewhere. A November 2011 Time Magazine article reported, “In September 2011, about 2 million people gave notice, the highest number of monthly resignations since November 2008.”

ExitRight has also noticed an increase in the volume of exit names they are receiving from organizations. But what percentage of employees quitting actually have other jobs when they resign?

According to HSD’s 2011 ExitRight, exit interview norms, we can divide exited employees’ post-resignation job status into three different categories:

1) Not Working, no job at the time the resignation was offered

  • 38% nonhealthcare & healthcare industry

2) Working, but not in the same industry

  • 28% nonhealthcare, 12% healthcare

3) Working in the same industry

  • 34% nonhealthcare, 50% healthcare

This data shows that while most people leave with another job, 38% quit without employment. ExitRight data shatters another turnover myth that is often expressed, “everyone is leaving to join the competition.” For nearly a third of those who exit, the competition is not other employers. While some of this is attributed to personal/family matters, ExitRight commentary shows that a higher percentage is due to matters that are most influenced by the employer. 80% of exit turnover causes in health care are attributed to the employer. Outside of healthcare the percent caused by the employer is 85%.

Remember Johnny Paycheck’s song, “take this job and shove it. I ain’t workin here no more.” Exit data suggest a high percentage of employees are singing the same tune and leaving without other jobs lined up. ExitRight data may be “sliced and diced” by business units, locations, and workgroups to better analyze where the highest percent of exits are leaving without jobs. This data can help companies determine causes and solutions to minimize those employees who are leaving to find employers who are more aligned with their requirements. Interventions are possible. Turnover is a controllable matter in many situations.

Providing a way for individuals to express concerns anonymously, such as through our ExitRight® Employee Interview survey will give you more comprehensive information about particular areas in your business rather quickly, allowing you to take swift action as needed. Taking all necessary precautions in order to keep your business safe for employees will create a positive environment, showing that you care about everyone’s wellbeing. For more information about our ExitRight® survey, or to schedule your demo, contact us today.

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