Outsourced Exit Interviews, Stay Surveys, Leadership Assessments and so much more.

The HSD Metrics Blog

anonymous exit interviews

If your exit interviews aren’t anonymous, you could be making your turnover problems even worse.

Plenty of organizations hold exit interviews, in good faith, each time an employee leaves. Most organizations expect their HR departments to conduct these interviews.

Most organizations are making a costly mistake.

In-person exit interviews, in particular, are essentially worthless. Any exiting employee (with an opinion you need to hear) will have the tact to sanitize the truth. Distrust of HR, even in upstanding organizations, makes gleaning any information of even remote value next to impossible. Go ahead, tell your now ex-employee that he or she is free to speak honestly. Will the individual trust the HR department or expect it to focus more on protecting the company from legal ramifications first and foremost? In the worst-case scenario, will the person fear that HR personnel could share private details with managers, third-party recruiters… even the ex-employee’s new employer? Legitimacy and credibility aside, first-party exit interviews rarely receive the time and effort that’s necessary to produce measurable data or meaningful insights. You’re left with a disorganized pile of gossip fuel and little else. It’s not necessarily an easy decision to trust a third-party vendor to handle your exit interviews. It is, on the other hand, a sound financial decision. Each employee you have to replace is costing you tens of thousands of dollars – if not more. Typical organizations accept this as immutable truth. Progressive organizations do something about it – namely, they consult turnover experts for an alternative to their best idea of “best practices.” Making the decision to transition to a program such as ExitRight® instantly alleviates so many of the headaches that come with exit interviews. ExitRight is a complete outsource of your exit interview process – HSD Metrics uses its proprietary technology and methodology to conduct exit interviews cohesively, consistently, and completely anonymously. Furthermore, HSD Metrics clearly communicates that all interview entries are 100 percent anonymous and protected. The findings are presented in reports that are easy to understand and navigate, and it’s all online, so there’s no extra software to download or learn. If you’re ready to stop wasting time on procedures that don’t tell the whole story and start saving time and money with outsourced exit interviews, contact HSD Metrics today to speak with an experienced retention expert.

reduce turnover

Feedback and reference services can give you the edge you need to reduce turnover woes.

Nearly all of our client organizations arrive at our doorstep because they hope to reduce turnover. Who can blame them? Common figures estimate the cost of replacing a high-value employee at double his or her annual salary, with very little room for improvement on that front. Not to mention the knowledge lost, months of catching up in terms of productivity, training costs… sound expensive yet? If you’re wondering why turnover is such a problem in your organization, you’re already behind. And while HSD Metrics offers services such as ExitRight® to reveal issues identified by employees on their way out, there’s simply no better way to reduce turnover than to hire the right employees the first time. People are complex, and hiring will never be an exact science. But organizations are doing a disservice to themselves if they’re not using the robust tools and data available to them to make better-informed hiring decisions. You don’t have to spend a fortune to reduce turnover – but you may have to change the way you think about developing your organization’s culture. An employee’s potential fit is no easy quality to nail down, no matter how hard you try. Given the challenge, and the expense of a misstep, any opportunity to catch the bad apples early becomes all the more valuable. Automated reference checking services such as ReferenceRight® can provide these kinds of insights well before an organization has paid the ultimate price by hiring the wrong candidate. Automation provides consistent data that actually gives a hiring manager something to go on. New-hire turnover might be the most costly human resources issue of all, so the insights from continued evaluation of a new hire’s transition are priceless. Use what you learn from SurveyRight’s onboarding feedback surveys to keep the chances of losing new hires as low as possible. While hiring the right employees will reduce turnover dramatically, you know your job doesn’t stop after the probationary period. Employee engagement surveys help to guarantee that the needs of your employees are met after hiring day. Employee exit interviews merely complete the cycle of a well-rounded employee retention plan. If you’re ready to initiate the kind of plan that can reduce turnover in all phases of attrition, talk to a retention expert at HSD Metrics and get started today.

reasons to use exit interview providers

HSD Metrics can help clients large and small reduce turnover through expertly managed exit interviews. But if your intentions in outsourcing exit interviews are misguided, you’re unlikely to make the progress you expect. How do your motives align with those listed below? You’re figuring out who’s to blame for your turnover. Focusing on retention is one of the most constructive actions a business can take for its own health. Trying to identify the source of turnover is one of the most destructive. Here’s an unfortunate fact: If you’re administering exit interviews yourself and the blamed party seems just out of focus, the person they’re blaming might be you! You just want to save money. You will save money in reduced turnover – it’s almost a certainty. But only if you accept the sometimes hard-to-swallow truths the exit interview process reveals. Not all companies prepared to outsource exit interviews are also prepared to act on the findings. You plan to rely on the data – heavily. Most exit interview providers can only provide glimpses in the rear-view mirror. There’s so much more to retention, beginning even before each employee begins work. The insights vendors put forward must be considered within the organization’s context if they are to truly stick. Many vendors simply can’t deliver that depth of detail. If you choose exit interview providers for all the right reasons, on the other hand, you’re bound to find the worthwhile results you want: You suspect excluding HR will improve data quality. All but the most temperamental employees try to leave companies on good terms. Eliminate the fear of repercussions by taking your staff out of the exit interview process entirely. Small companies may perceive this problem least of all – you know why your employee is leaving, right? Maybe not. You need an organizational culture shift. Embracing the data that exit interview providers can offer makes a statement about your organization. Employees can’t be blamed for skepticism about whether traditional exit interview information will ever be utilized. Modern exit interview systems are platforms for employee voices to be heard and valued. You want to retain employees. High retention equals a fortune in resources saved, but it also equals… high retention! An outstanding service provider will help you develop a plan for the entire employee life-cycle. You have the opportunity to gauge your employees’ job satisfaction from their first to last days. Contact HSD Metrics today to learn more about how your organization could benefit immediately from our expertise in conducting exit interviews.

outsource exit interviews

Selecting an exit interview service provider can prove challenging, and maybe also somewhat intimidating – how do you prepare interview questions for interview experts? Just a handful of incisive questions, however, will quickly separate the wheat from the chaff. If you’re unsure how to outsource exit interviews for your company, here are four critical questions you should ask a vendor before entering any service agreement: What is the average response rate to your exit interviews, and why? Whether the vendor incorporates flexible response mechanisms is just one facet of this question. A special challenge for exit interview providers lies in achieving a balance between getting the most possible employees (even the disgruntled ones) to complete the interview and obtaining authentic, meaningful feedback. How vendors choose to get answers to the toughest questions speaks volumes. How flexible and personalized are your interview questions? While repeating certain questions throughout exit interviews allows historical comparisons, adding questions about recent projects and specific situations can yield uniquely valuable responses. The best service providers are efficient enough to tailor their services to each client’s challenges, goals and demographics. The worst service providers use the same five-year-old template for every customer. Describe your methods for reporting data. All the data in the world does you no good if it’s simply regurgitated with no interpretation. Your vendor should be able to show you, at the bare minimum, real-time dashboards with both qualitative and quantitative details. A top-notch partner will supplement reports with ongoing benchmark analysis and insights for improvement. Immediate access to all this information saves you time – it’s a must-have. Tell us about your data archive and how you use it. Bountiful data is a double-edged sword. A deep background in collecting relevant data gives a vendor the tools needed to benchmark your progress faster, so you can take action faster. On the other hand, it’s hard to conceive of a bigger red flag than an indication that a vendor who is careless with data. Remember: if you begin a business relationship, your data will be their data. If you’re still looking for an experienced, thorough and trustworthy exit interview partner, contact HSD Metrics for a complete consultation today. The sooner you understand the sources of your turnover issues, the sooner you can commit to meaningful organizational change.

onboarding surverys

Actual Comments from Employees Who Left: “The job duties changed constantly during my tenure in the position. There were unrealistic expectations for the type of position I was being paid to perform.” “I was required to teach six completely different classes each semester in three different departments, two departments that I was not certified in. When I was initially hired, I was promised that I would only need to teach out of my content area for one year at most.” The Solution These two former employees share something in common – expectations and promises of the position didn’t meet reality. While some variance in duties and taking on extra tasks from time to time is expected, both the employee and you, as the employer, should have a clear understanding of the position from the start. How can you make sure everyone is on the same page? HSD Metric’s Onboarding Surveys provide valuable insight into not only your new hires’ recruiting and hiring experiences, but also their expectations of the work environment. As an HR professional, it’s a goldmine of information that can help you continually improve processes and avoid costly new-hire turnover. HSD Metrics makes the onboarding survey process simple. We’ll work with you to create a questionnaire that best serves your needs. Onboarding surveys can cover topics like

  • Performance objectives
  • Workload and work-life balance
  • Future plans to stay with the company
  • Management support
  • Work relationships
As in our examples above, a better outline of performance objectives could have been a chance for employee and employer to discuss any gaps in understanding early on. It’s also helpful to have a record of understanding if duties do need to change. But there could also be some unspoken things going on in these examples that onboarding surveys could have helped. Did these employees not feel comfortable discussing the issues with management? Did supervisors not listen to concerns? These questionnaires can provide information about how your organization is perceived by those just coming in. Are you fostering an environment for strong work relationships and open communication? Onboarding surveys can reveal other valuable information. How are new hires adapting within the organization, and what are their expectations and desires for a work-life balance? But most paramount, it can help you avoid costly new-hire turnover by addressing issues right from the start. Recruiting and hiring is an expensive process that you don’t want to do over and over. Enlisting help from HSD Metrics for your onboarding surveys means honest feedback and valuable information you can use to make sure your new hires are properly trained and supported in their positions. Being a third-party resource, we find that employees will be more open with us as they don’t fear internal repercussions. Contact us today to learn more.

training development

Actual Comments from Employees Who Left: “Weekly Professional Development and Staff Meetings were taking up too much time in the schedule to actually get my individual parts of the job done. There was NO time left over for individual planning, behavior/classroom management issues, or classroom/activity prep.” “Faculty reviews are brutal, largely focusing on how teachers have not reformed to Common Core quickly and effectively enough.” “Administration does not consider the time they are asking teachers to give up IN ADDITION TO the time they have already sacrificed outside of required hours. Furthermore, in-school professional development is not instructive; rather, it is filled with berating lectures, useless handouts, and information that could easily be disseminated via E-mail. Given everything we are asked to do, this is a disrespectful use of our time.” The Problem Nearly half a million U.S. teachers move or leave the profession annually, according to a 2014 report by the Alliance for Excellent Education. Addressing the report results, the president of the Alliance and former West Virginia governor, Bob Wise, pointed out that “The monetary cost of teacher attrition pales in comparison to the loss of human potential associated with hard-to-staff schools that disproportionately serve low-income students and students of color. In these schools, poor learning climates and low achievement often result in students—and teachers—leaving in droves.” The Solution You can’t stop the exodus if you don’t understand what is driving it. That’s where employee engagement survey vendors like HSD Metrics® can help. Understanding how teachers and other staff members perceive the demands on their schedule, their compensation packages and other aspects of their work within academic institutions offers much-needed insights that can help administrators address the problem of teacher attrition. For example, in one survey conducted by HSD Metrics, a common complaint was that “In-school professional development is not instructive; rather, it is filled with berating lectures, useless handouts, and information that could easily be disseminated via E-mail.” Armed with this information, school administrators can revise their approach to professional development by

  • Gathering teacher input on meaningful lecture topics
  • Evaluating materials to ensure their usefulness
  • Leveraging e-mail more effectively to cut down on time demands
HSD Metrics offers new hire, stay, and exit interview platforms. Contact HSD Metrics today to find out how our platforms help organizations ranging from academic institutions to hospitals improve employee satisfaction while meeting organizational performance and quality standards.

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ExitRight® Employee Exit Interviews

Customized Exit Interview Surveys.